File a Report

Emergencies - Please, CALL 911.

An emergency is any active situation involving an immediate threat to a person or property.

Examples of emergency calls for service include:

  • Armed robbery
  • Felony crimes
  • Fire
  • Gunshots
  • Injury accident
  • Medical emergency
  • Sexual assault

You may report other, non-emergency crimes and incidents by phone, in person or online. The process for each is outlined below. Keep in mind, we only accept reports of incidents that occurred in Kansas City, Kansas. If the incident happened outside the boundaries of KCK, you must report it to the appropriate jurisdiction.

By Phone

Most non-injury accidents and non-emergency reports may be filed by calling either the Report Desk at (913) 573-8680 or Non-Emergency Dispatch at (913) 596-3000. If you are not sure, please, call the Report Desk to determine if the report can be taken over the phone or if it needs to filed in person.

Examples of non-emergency reports include:

  • Destruction of property
  • Disturbing the peace
  • Accidents with no injuries
  • Lost/Missing property
  • Fraud/Identity theft
  • Trespassing
  • Harassment
  • Shoplifting/Theft 
  • Other non-emergency related incidents

Make the Call  



If you prefer to make your report in person or if the Report Desk has advised you the report must be filed in person, there are several report desk locations listed on the right side of this page. Please find the location that works best for you. 

Some helpful items you may want to bring with you are:

  • Your driver's license or state issued ID
  • Photos of incident
  • Other witnesses
  • Video surveillance footage or still photos


As a convenience, the KCKPD allows the public to immediately submit some reports through our secure, online portal. Please, keep in mind, the crime must have been committed in Kansas City, Kan. in order to file a report. The following types of incidents may be submitted on-line: 

  • Criminal Damage to Property - destruction/damage of property or a vehicle that is not the result of an accident.
  • Criminal Use of a Financial Card -without consent of cardholder, card or card number is used with intent to defraud and obtain money, goods, property or services.
  • Occasional Watch Request - a request for additional police patrols at a specific address for a designated time span.
  • Private Property Vehicle Accident - non-injury accidents that occur on private property and did not involve a driver with a suspected impairment.
  • Harassment by Telecommunications - use of a phone, computer, email, social media or other electronic means to transmit indecent, threatening or abusive communications.
  • Theft - property with a value less than $1,500 that was taken without permission. This includes incidents involving PORCH PIRATES. (Theft of a vehicle, license plate, gun, or property with a value over $1,500 must be reported in person.)
  • Trespass Form -complete a form granting permission for police to arrest individuals in your absence on your property or property you manage  

Once you have successfully completed your report you will:

  • receive an on-screen message that your report has been submitted
  • receive a tracking number for the report
  • have the option to print a temporary copy of the report for your records

Please Note: All cases filed using the online portal will be subject to review. If further investigation of your case is needed, you may be contacted. Filing a false police report is a crime.

Please, make sure to turn off your pop-up blocking software before filing the report.

English - Start Your Report

Spanish - Start Your Report