Trunk or Treat with Community Policing
It is our favorite time of the year - spooky season!
KCKPD's Community Policing Unit, Wyandotte County Sheriff's Office, KCK Fire and UG Fleet Services want to make sure your kids have some safe and spirited Halloween fun. That's why every year they pull out all the stops - and skeletons, and pumpkins, and fog machines to create a fun drive-thru trick or treat experience.
Yes drive thru! That means all you have to do is load up the kids in their costumes and drive through this Halloween spooktacular! But don't worry, it is suitable for trick-or-treaters of all ages.
This year we are thrilled to have a new, bigger location! Trunk OR Treat will be held on the site of the Old Indian Springs Shopping Center, in the large parking lot just south of KCKPD's East Patrol, at N. 47th and Orville. As usual, we expect a big turnout so please enter from the East on Orville. See the map below. Officers will be directing traffic.

Friday, October 25, 2024 | 05:00 PM
- 07:00 PM
Load up your little goblins and ghouls in their Halloween best and drive thru our annual Trunk or Treat!
N. 47th & Orville, Kansas City, KS, 66102, View Map
N. 47th & Orville ,
Kansas City, KS 66102
N. 47th & Orville ,
Kansas City, KS 66102
Trunk or Treat with Community Policing