Next date: Thursday, May 01, 2025 | 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM
This six-week class is designed for residents seeking better understanding of the basics of law enforcement and the policies and procedures of the KCKPD. The hope is that graduates will then share that knowledge with their neighbors in an effort to strengthen the relationship between the community and police.
The Citizens Academy is offered FREE of charge. Applicants must be 18 years old with no criminal record. KCKPD conducts criminal history background checks on all applicants.
You will learn about:
KCKPD Police Academy, 7340 State Ave., Kansas City, KS, 66112, View Map
7340 State Ave. , Kansas City, KS 66112
Register Here for the 2025 Spring Citizens Academy
Academy Coordinator
Ofc. Kevin Sullivan
Email Ofc. Sullivan