Officer Wellness Program

The Kansas City, Kansas Police Department is dedicated to the safety and wellness not only of our community, but to our officers and professional staff, as well. Formally launched in 2020, the Wellness Program serves to promote the four pillars of wellness - physical, mental, financial, and spiritual - of both sworn and professional staff. While the program exists to serve all employees, it recognizes that sworn officers face unique challenges in all these areas due to the volatile nature of their jobs.

Good mental and psychological health is just as essential as good physical health for law enforcement officers to be effective in keeping communities safe from crime and violence. The KCKPD believes investing in officer wellness, also helps improve trust and community relations because evidence shows the individual actions of police officers have the greatest impact on a community’s perception of police. In turn, this leads to more positive community contacts, fewer negative interactions, and less stress, ultimately resulting in increased job satisfaction and a higher quality work environment. 

The full-time program coordinator schedules wellness checks, provides training on stress and fitness for duty, and develops activities based on the four pillars. Below is a list of initiatives and programs facilitated through the Wellness Program: